You know that new website everyone is talking about called Pinterest
well my rommmate got me hooked last night and I sat there and repinned and repinned EVERYTHING in sight. Anything cute, adorable, vintage, decorative yep I pinned it on one ofthe many boards I created I have like 10.
Here are just a few things I saw and absolutely loved
I wanna do this in my future home it's really cute
I wanna learn how to do this!! But I'd probably just make my mom
I absolutely LOVE this!!! And then I do other things with it
like put pictures and other things on it. I just need to find a windowpane
suce a great idea!!
Pretty clever idea something I would never think of. They got vases and put rubberbands on them then spraypainted clever
As you can see I've been a little obsessed and it hasnt even been 12 hours.
I blame my roommate
till next time,