Monday, August 29, 2011

I'm Lonely

I'm sitting here in my apartment all alone and feeling pretty lonely so I thought I would blog about things random or normal that have gone on lately.
1. I moved out on Saturday to Logan and it was a very.........stressful day. I also didnt think I would cry but I did.
2.It took a whole 24 hours for me to meet my roommates thankfully me and my friend who im living was here so at least I wasnt All alone.
3. I really don't like being alone I cant wait to start making new friends and hanging out more.
4. I got invited to go to a different Family Home Evening with a friend from high school and I didnt go. Now im thinking I should have
5.  I like my roommates now that I've actually met them. The one I'm rooming with is super nice and the other ones are way nice too!!
6. It kinda sucks that Im here all by myself again. Saturday night I was here by myself for 4 hours!!! It was a long 4 hours
7. Today was probably the worst first day I've ever had in my whole school career. I didnt go to my math class because of some confusion and totally missed a lot of important information.
But I love college!!! Hopefully I'll make more friends and do well in school
till next time, jodi

Sunday, August 21, 2011

I Got Starstruck

Friday me and my sister decided to head down to the Davis County Fair because one of our favorite singers Tyler Hilton was playing there for free!!!
I will tell you this now, I dont think I have never been starstruck so I never knew how it felt but now I do. When he frist walked on for soundcheck I could not stop smiling I had the biggest grin on my face!!!! It was embarrassing

Let's just say me and my sister Anecia practically drooled the whole time, he is one handsome man
We got front row seats so this picture was taken like 5 feet away. I've never been that close to someone famous

( sorry that one is kinda blurry)
The best thing about this concert was it was just him and the guitar. Im a sucker for acoustic anything and I could have sat there and listened to him for like hours. It also felt like he was playing for just a bunch of friends, between songs he would talk, he's way funny and awesome and he has a gorgeous smile. I should stop I'm gushing!!!
He played a few songs that I knew, mainly the ones from the one tree hill soundtracks, he also played a few from his new album and they were good!! I cant wait to get the cd. We unfortunately didnt stay to get a picture taken with him mostly because the line was like super long and we had nothing for him to sign.
It was a great way to spend a friday night!!!
till next time, jodi

The Zoo

My mom, Katelyn, Jame, Me, My cousin Josh and My Uncle Don spent the day a few weeks ago at the Zoo. We may have been the only adults there without kids but I still had the funnest time.

There's even dinosaurs now at the zoo, they're spreaded throughout the park and that was fun to see.

We went and saw the new baby elephatn Zuri who is really adorable!!!
She can do her own tricks like sitting on a tire, she even can do a headstand the trainers said she just did it one day all by herself , she basically trained them how to do the trick.
At one point they gave her a watermelon to smash with her foot
This is her making sure her mom doesn't get the watermelon. Like I said adorable!!
You can't see it very well but we're in there
This orangutan was staring me down
And he just looked bored
Of course while we were there we had some fun too

 All in all it was a good day at the zoo
till next time, jodi

Let's Catch Up A Bit

I am so sorry to my all die-hard readers out there for the long absence, Ha! I highly doubt that but its true it has been awhile. I havent really been busy, I've really just been lazy so I'm gonna catch you up on whats been going on this summer, I figured I gotta do it now before school starts and I get too busy.
Let's start with July 24th
We always go down to my grandma's in Salem then go to the Parade in Spanish Fork.

The night before we did fireworks even the legal kind that go up in the air

The next day was the parade. My little cousin Noah was staying the week at grandma's so he spent the day hanging out with me and the gang
Poor guy

After the parade they had a quilt show and this little pioneer village where you could walk through cabins, and try your hand at roping

Then we spent the rest of the day with the family just hanging out.
till next time, jodi