Thursday, April 28, 2011

Easter 2011!

I know its a litte late but HAPPY EASTER Everyone!!
Im only late because I'm studying my butt off for finals, I've barely made a dent in the things I need to have by next week
Easter this year was pretty great. We did the usual easter egg hunt at my grandmother's house and an easter basket. If you wanted to know, in my easter basket this year I got silverware! I know lame but Im moving out in august and I need silverware. I also got a buttload of candy, and sweet neon green socks and Footloose!! Which is one of my favorite movies!!
I got a few pictures of my easter weekend and the easter egg hunt
This is my little cousin Ava who kept everyone entertained friday night while we ate pizza and watched Narnia. So the story behind this picture is this: that black shoe she's wearing, yeah its mine, she walked around the house with that on she almost put the other one. I thought it was so stinking cute!!
I had a little fun finding eggs this year.This shirt has all of mine, and my two sisters. My little cousin cooper saw and me and yelled " You're pooping a baby!!!!" cute
We all get a boiled egg with our name on it and when we find it we have to give it to Grandma and she gives us like a gold dollar for it. After we peel them all and make deviled eggs out of them. This year it didnt work so well cuz the eggs were fresh.
After all the egg hunts are done its just time for us to visit and play around. Outside on the tramp the little boys were shooting the basketball in the hoop and it was great. Little boys are just entertaining and when you're not technically an adult and you don't wanna sit there and listen to everyone talk, you watch them.
This is my little cousin Clyde holding the basketball. He is like the cutest ever.

This is my cousin Cooper. I think this was his tenth tantrum in about 5 minutes and it was only because the boys wouldnt stay off the tramp so he could shoot the ball.
Yep that was my easter
till next time, jodi

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