Monday, March 21, 2011

I am Thankful for Animals

This week in sunbeams we talked about being thankful for animals. There is this little girl in my class who loves to say the prayer she offers every time to say both opening and closing, her one condition she gets to say " name of jesus christ, amen" all by herself I have to help her with the rest.
I started off asking the kids to tell me about different kinds of animals. I got everything from dogs, cats, bears, deer, and unicorns......yep unicorns. I asked if they had any pets and Kenadie said she had a unicorn and a cat for a pet.
After we were done talking about pets which took about 5 minutes I showed them pictures of animals and had them tell what they were and the sound they made.......I mostly just got the sound.
I found out something yesterday, bigger picture means more time they spend on coloring it and they were excited to color this one. Some of them had pink elephants and green bears. We talked about Noah's ark but the story didnt last very long and they were all asking to color.
I made them cowboy cookies ( chocolate chip cookies with oatmeal) this week and only 3 ate the whole thing.
Kenadie told me they werent chocolate chip cookies, they were chocolate medicine cookies
I had only maybe 5 meltdowns during all of primary.
1. Mason started crying because he wanted to put an x for his name on the roll but everyone got there before him
2. Ian started crying because Mason colored on his boat.
3. Serrina cried because she wasnt first in line at the drinking fountain.....again.
4. Kenadie started crying because the other boy took away the doll she was playing with.
oh wait, while I was taking Kenadie to find her parents Mason I guess pinched himself and was crying. The rest of singing time he was like " Im too tired for singing", " Im hungry", " I wanna go home"
Kenadie loves to feel my fingernails to make sure they arent too long or else my dad will have to cut them for me.
She also asked me why my hair had turned blue, she noticed my blue hair.
I think thats all for this week
till next time, jodi

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