Monday, November 15, 2010

Day 12

Today's topic is something you are OCD about. This is gonna be an extremely long list because i figure i should be diagnosed with OCD cuz its pretty bad.But I'll make it short...........not like its that long anyway
1. My bedroom door has to be open when im not in there, but when im asleep it has to be closed and locked. Dont ask me why it has to be this way but its just one of those things.
2. I absolutely HATE sharing things like drinks or food with people. I get a lot of scrutiny for this from my family. To them im weird and not normal. But have they ever heard of that saying " What's yours is yours and whats mine is mine" I dont have a problem with sharing....only with my drinks. My family makes it out to be like im afraid of germs but not really, i've heard the " we all have the same DNA" yeah id believe that if it was my sister but from my cousin, im sorry dear I honestly dont believe you. So let's get something straight i dont like sharing my drinks or food, its mine not yours i'll let you have a sip just a SIP but not a lot. If you want a Dr. Pepper get off your butt and go buy you one! This is not a soft spot. I get in arguments all the time about it and i just want them to leave me and my drink alone. Why should it bother them anyway? Its not their problem?
3. i like my purse to stay upstairs cuz what if im leaving and im upstairs id have to all the way downstairs to get it and come right back up.
4. I have a routine when i get ready in the morning and at night. Its face, teeth, contacts, then im done, Im a very routine person if i get off the routine i feel off.
There I think thats all, I hope you didnt mind the rant, i dont have the guts to tell my family so what the hey i'll just put it on the internet for the whole world to see.

         Till Next Time, Jodi

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