Monday, November 29, 2010

Day 25

Day 25: My day in great detail.
So im gonna give you an estimation for today since its only like 10:30 but i got homework i need to do.
5:45 woke up thinking it was 6:30
6:30 decided to get up and get ready for school
6:53 got done straightening my hair and getting dressed
7:10 breakfast-didnt even eat it all, i decided i dont really like that type of cereal anymore, it has a bad aftertaste
7:30 went outside to clean my van off.
7:35 car stuck in ice
7:40 still stuck in ice
7:45 using a hoe to break ice, late for class, waiting for dad to get home to take me
7:50 Dad takes me to class
8:05 20 minutes late for class
9:00 out of class waiting for dad to come get me.... car probably still stuck in ice
9:10 made me some hot chocolate
9:30 cleaned my room
9:45 started season 6 of of one tree hill
10:00 started homework
10:30 still doing homework
11:00 probably still doing homework and watching one tree hill
12:00 Lunch
12:30 back to homework and one tree hill
1:00 homework and one tree hill
2:00 homework and one tree hil
2:15 homework break time
2:30 probably nap or just watching one tree hill
3:00 2 hour break from homework to sit around and do nothing
5:00 E news!
6:00 dinner
6:30 more homework
7:00 probably finding something on tv to watch
8:00 getting ready for bed, pjs on, face washed, contacts out
9:00 i dont know probably watching the nanny
10:00 the office!!
11:00 bedtime
Yeah pretty boring, I know but that's how my life goes now sadly
                      Till Next Time, Jodi

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